
2024年3月31日—ThelatestversionofWaltr2is2.6onMacInformer.ItisaperfectmatchforDeviceAssistantsintheSystemToolscategory.,2021年7月12日—FilesbyWALTRisafree,andeffortlessfilemanagerforyouriPhoneandiPad.TransferfilestoyouriOSdeviceandmanagethemasifit's ...,DownloadWALTR22.6.27forMac-AminimalistanduserfriendlymacOSapplicationthatenablesyoutoquicklyuploadmediafilestoyouriPhoneoriPad ...,2023年5月23日...

Download free Waltr 2 for macOS

2024年3月31日 — The latest version of Waltr 2 is 2.6 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Device Assistants in the System Tools category.

Files by WALTR on the App Store

2021年7月12日 — Files by WALTR is a free, and effortless file manager for your iPhone and iPad. Transfer files to your iOS device and manage them as if it's ...

WALTR 2 (Mac)

Download WALTR 2 2.6.27 for Mac - A minimalist and user friendly macOS application that enables you to quickly upload media files to your iPhone or iPad ...


2023年5月23日 — Waltr 2 is a very impressive program which really adds value to your iOS device. It supports all the latest files converts subtitles and more.

WALTR 2 for Mac

2023年7月12日 — Waltr 2 is a very impressive program which really adds value to your iOS device. It supports all the latest files converts subtitles and more.

WALTR 2 for Mac

Download latest version of WALTR 2. Free trial version of a file managing program designed to run on Mac OS X.

Waltr 2 for Mac

Drag-and-drop any music, ringtones, videos, PDF & ePUB files into any Apple device. WALTR 2 introduces smart Automatic Content Recognition built for Music, ...


The easiest way to transfer files to any iPhone, iPad or iPod. Without iTunes, converters or other extra apps. Just drag-n-drop your music, video or book in ...


Send virtually any file format to your iPhone or iPad via drag & drop. Use WALTR PRO to quickly transfer files and documents from any Mac or PC into your ...

「教學」Waltr 2

com/sales/waltr-2-for-mac?aid=a-mlr3l5sr. Waltr 2 能將任何音樂、鈴聲、影片、PDF 和ePUB 電子書匯入蘋果裝置(而且不需要額外的應用程式). Smart Adaptive ...